In no particular order...
- For my son, Cameron, for his sweetness that reminds me that he can overcome all obstacles.
- For my daughter, Cassandra, for her sassiness that reminds me that she has a mind of her own and is very independent.
- For Jessica, a new friend, Cameron's former TSS, for her generosity and joy of life. She is a younger version of me... sassy and quirky and all.
- For Sandy, a long-time friend and confidante for being my cheerleader and advice giver.
- For Champ, my Chihuahua, who loves me no matter what.
- For Teresa, a long-time friend, for her help and support in so many aspects of my life and for the many things we have in common.
- For Phyllis, a new online friend, for her help and kindness and for the many things we have in common.
- For the WrapAround Team that provides services for my son.
- For the Big Brothers Big Sisters (program) of Butler County for providing fun and support for my daughter.
- For Art, for making me feel sexy even when I'm not.
- For Dave, for constantly checking on me and for mowing my grass.
- For the creator of the Internet, so I can sit here and write such a list.
- Most of all, for God, for everything he has given me.
1 cherished words:
I'm glad you are thankful to the Lord, and to the wonderful people He has brought into your life to bless you! Your thankfulness is a blessing to me. :)
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