
Amber Alert

Thought of the Day - 9/1/12

I have learned that to have a good friend is the greatest of God's gifts, for it is a love that has no exchange for payment.
~~ Francis Farmer ~~

National Sewing Month

September is National Sewing Month

Jo-Ann Stores and are hosting a month long sewing party.  View a new sewing project every day at Pinterest during the month of September.

National Sewing Month is the official host for the month. There are free projects, educational articles, and how-to directions for the whole month.

2012 National Sewing Month Sew for the FUN of It! Contest

What do you consider  a fun sewing project?  Is it a new party outfit, a bed for your dog, or a wild & crazy shower curtain?  This year, is sponsoring a contest. No categories, no limitation - sew what YOU consider fun.  Check out all the rules and guidelines here.

The observance of National Sewing Month began in 1982 with a proclamation from President Ronald Reagan declaring September as National Sewing Month "in recognition of the importance of home sewing to our Nation."

Get Involved in National Sewing Month

  • Teach a family member or friend to sew.
  • Volunteer your time and teach sewing to a local youth organization, like Girl Scouts or 4-H Club.
  • Join your local chapter of the American Sewing Guild.
  • Take a class at a your local craft store.
  • Create your own sewing circle of friends - it's fun to sew with others.

Please share your crafts/sewing projects by sharing a link via the comments section.

Happy sewing.


September Holidays

  • Classical Music Month
  • Hispanic Heritage Month
  • Fall Hat Month
  • International Square Dancing Month
  • National Blueberry Popsicle Month
  • National Courtesy Month
  • National Piano Month
  • Chicken Month
  • Baby Safety Month
  • Little League Month
  • Honey Month
  • Self Improvement Month
  • Better Breakfast Month

Each Day:
1 Emma M. Nutt Day - The first woman telephone operator.
2 VJ Day - Surrender ceremony aboard the USS Missouri formally ends WWII.
3 Labor Day (First Monday of month)
9 Grandparent's Day (First Sunday after Labor Day)
9 National Pet Memorial Day (Second Sunday in September)
13 Uncle Sam Day - His image was first used in 1813.
16 National Women's Friendship Day (Third Sunday in September)
21 POW/MIA Recognition Day (Third Friday of September)
22 International Rabbit Day (Fourth Saturday in September)
22 Oktoberfest begins (Date varies)
28 National Good Neighbor Day 
28 Native American Day (Fourth Friday of the month)

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