Problems don't go away by themselves, but opportunities do. If you wait for problems to just disappear, they usually get more serious. If you dawdle while opportunity is knocking, it soon will leave and knock on someone else's door. If something needs doing, get right on it. Be patient, yes, but do so while taking action. If you're reluctant to do something that needs to be done, consider that it will only get worse, the longer you wait.
Amber Alert
Friday Fill-Ins #5
1. She had/has a great personality. My daughter is so caring and often worries about others.
2. My dog, Baby, is by my side, always.
3. I know this: I am an independent woman and single mother.
4. Peace be still.
5. These words apply to me: tired, woman, organized, friend.
6. Two days ago the sun was shining.
7. As for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to peace, tomorrow my plans include the Great American Cookout where Cameron is entered in a Pie Eating Contest and Sunday, I want to spend time with my kids and my friend, Marcy.
Join us by filling in YOUR OWN blanks then visit Friday Fill-Ins.
Aloha Friday #10
In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is a day to take it easy, so Kailani thought that Fridays is a good day to take it easy on posting, too. Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response.
My question this week is:
What do you do to celebrate Independence Day/July 4th?
My answer:
The weekend closest to July 4th my sister, Dayna, usually has a picnic for all of the family and friends. By the end of the day there are about 100 people in attendance. My oldest brother, Howard, buys the fireworks each year and puts on a magnificent show for us.
On the Fourth of July, my kids and I do sparklers and poppers when it gets dark and then sit and tell stories (not necessarily ghost stories) until they're tired.
If our city has fireworks then we go see the fireworks. Then go to my friend's house for a bonfire. Our community doesn't have fireworks each year due to cost.
If you’d like to participate, just post your own question on your blog and leave your link at An Island Life. Don’t forget to visit the other participants! It’s a great way to make new bloggy friends!
Free Is a Popular Color
The Glidden National Paint Giveaway
Visit Glidden today and choose from 100s of colors to receive a FREE quart of paint in the mail.
The website is very busy so you will have to be patient.
Thursday Thirteen #14
- Cheese pizza
- Baked potato with butter, sour cream, and cheese
- Ribs from Texas Roadhouse
- Macaroni and cheese
- Mt Dew
- Strawberry shake
- Strawberry daiquiri
- Chocolate
- Tomato soup
- Baked potato soup
- Potato salad made by my friend Jonel
- Deep fried chicken made by my friend Sandy
- Lasagna
Now I'm hungry.
To see other lists, go to Thursday 13.
Happy Leon Day!
“Leon” is “Noel” spelled backward. Leon Day marks the halfway point to Christmas.
Do something today to get ready for Christmas... buy a gift (or two), create cards, work on your Christmas notebook, create an ornament, send a Christmas in June card to a friend, listen to some Christmas music.
Thought of the Day - 6/25/09
Friendship doubles our joy and divides our grief.
~~ Swedish Proverb ~~
Works for Me Wednesday #21
Have a porcelain sink? Fill it with water, drop in two (or more) denture-cleaning tablets and leave for 30 minutes. Dentures are also made of porcelain so the action of the tablets erases stains. This works for porcelain tubs too.
For more household, homeschooling, and organizational tips, go to We Are THAT Family.
(Almost) Wordless Wednesday #29
Last year I was lucky enough to win this personalized bracelet from Kristen at We Are THAT Family. The designer is Carrie from Poet Summer at
I was able to personalize the bracelet with the charms that fit my personality. Carrie was very sweet and patient as I asked for charms that had special meaning to me, such U.S. Army medallions, American symbols, pictures of my kids, Christmas icons, my last name, and so much more.
Thanks Kristen and Carrie!
Thought of the Day - 6/24/09
It seems that the most significant events in our lives happen while we're worried about something else happening.
~~ Nathan Hurst ~~
Top Ten Tuesday - Proud Accomplishments
My Top Ten Proudest Accomplishments
- The birth of my first son.
- The adoption of my first son. Though heartbreaking I know it was the right choice at the time.
- The birth of Cameron
- The birth of Cassandra.
- Graduation from Slippery Rock University with a dual bachelor's degree in Elementary Education and Psychology.
- Graduation from "boot camp" from the U.S. Army.
- Graduation from advanced training from the U.S. Army.
- When any of my articles get published.
- When someone compliments my children on their behavior when we are out in public.
- Volunteering.
In my continuing effort to toot my own horn, I added this list to the Tuesday Toot meme.

Thought of the Day - 6/23/09
The most important story we will ever write in life is our own -- not with ink, but with our daily choices.
~~ Nathan Hurst ~~
Every Day is a Good Day
I got this wonderful note from Trish last week.
"Your post the other day about every day being a good day really caught my eye. I agree so much with how powerful our words are in shaping our feelings, and I was wondering if you would be open to sharing your post at 5 Minutes for Special Needs as part of the Try This Tuesday column. I think this would be an encouragement to a lot of parents dealing with all sorts of special needs and other issues."
Trish graciously posted my article at Try This Tuesday at 5 Minutes for Special Needs today.
Quality Enough
We all go through stagnant times whether its our blogging life or another aspect of life. Take this time to replenish yourself and to focus on what you want.
Remind yourself that your readers/followers are not expecting perfect posts. I think many bloggers get into this rut because they think their posts are not "quality enough."
Make Me Laugh Monday - Mammogram or Manogram

Join me in the fun and giggles of making Mondays a better day by sharing some laughs. Add your link to your Make Me Laugh Monday post to Mr. Linky below. (All links not leading directly to your post will be deleted.) All posts should be funny in some way. Yes, this is up to interpretation. Ideas include riddles, funny family stories, comic strips, jokes, silly graphics, funny lyrics, hilarious photos, etc. Please don't leave me to snicker all alone. I'm sure YOU have something funny to share.
Thought of the Day - 6/22/09
Memories and emotions are not only stored in our minds, but also throughout our bodies. That's why people who receive donor organs sometimes report experiencing the memories of the donor. It's called cellular memory.
Burying emotions in our cells is a mechanism our bodies use to protect us from painful experiences. But in the long run, burying feelings only makes them grow stronger and that creates more pain and sickness in our lives.
Have you ever thought your life was a minefield? You are more right than you know. It's more likely that your body is the minefield.
Summer Fun Freebie
The Regal Entertainment Group is offering the "Free Family Film Festival" at select Regal, Edwards, Signature and United Artist Theaters. It's nine fun-filled summer weeks of movies for kids and their parents.
Since 1991, Regal has provided this service to the community, and best of all, it's FREE! Selected G & PG rated movies start at 10 a.m. each Tuesday and Wednesday during the festival.
First-come, first-served seating is limited to theater capacity. The Free Family Film Festival is safe, lots of fun and a great way for kids to spend a weekday morning in the summer.
To find the participating theater closest to you and what films they are offering, please click here.
QOTW - Father
Name one quality that you cherish about your father.
My father taught me to always be on time. That trait has kept me organized and on top of things.
One of the qualities about my father that I cherish is his sense of humor.
My Face...
My Face . . . on Facebook
I finally took the plunge and joined Facebook last week. I'm still learning but am happy to say I have 35 friends already. Whoo hoo!
Please join me at Facebook and let me know you are a friend.
Thought of the Day - 6/21/09
Heroes rarely look the way we draw them in our minds; attractive, imposing figures with rippling muscles and strong chins. More times than not they are humble beings, small and flawed. It is only their spirits that are beautiful and strong.
~~ Nathan Hurst ~~
Happy Father's Day
Give 'em a hug, a great big kiss because one day, he will be greatly missed. My daddy has gone far away from this land, and I miss the precious touch of his loving hands.
All I have now is great memories, a heart full of love and eyes full of tears, and
to remember his love throughout the years. Now I have to look up at the stars and say, "I love you, Daddy! Happy Father's Day!"
Please remember when you pray, to thank your heavenly father up above for your father he gave you with so much love.
"I miss you, Daddy!!!"