As Moms, we all have our own recipes for giving our kids the best possible childhood and a great start in life. Whether those ingredients include encouraging our kids to try their hardest or promoting their imagination and creativity, our hope is that our children will grow up to be happy and well-adjusted adults. Family time is an undoubtedly important part of that recipe, and making sure the family sits together at the dinner table at least once a week is a great, but challenging way to fit it in.
Ragu offers moms hundreds of nutritious, convenient, delicious, and affordable meal ideas - perfect for busy families on the go. From making sure the kids get their vegetables (Ragu red sauces contain more than a full serving of veggetables in every half cup of sauce) to skip-a-step recipes like No Boiling Lasagna and No Frying Chicken Parmesan, Ragu understands your hectic lifestyle and desire to feed your family quality meals at a great value.
Now, Ragu is teaming up with actress and mom Molly Ringwald to promote the Recipe for a Good Start Contest asking moms to share their recipes for a chance to win a $5,000 college scholarship.
Easy Valentine Sugar Cookies
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