- Hidden Valley Ranch dressing for me.
- Generic Ranch dressing for my son... he goes through 2-3 bottles a month!
- Mt. Dew... I drink 4-6 cans a day.
- Water... we are all trying to drink more water.
- Bags of salad... inexpensive at Aldis and my son loves it.
- Pickles... its cheaper to buy the big 62 oz. jars so there are always pickles in the fridge.
- Nail polish... it lasts longer when stored in the fridge.
- 35mm film... photographs & colors are more vibrant and film can be used past the expiration date when stored in the fridge.
- Ketchup.
- Mustard.
- Chocolate, of course... don't want it to melt in this hot weather.
- Yogurt.
- Crumbs and spills.
Easy Valentine Sugar Cookies
3 weeks ago
3 cherished words:
I love salad I can go through 3 or 4 bags a week along with dressing lol..I never knew the flim trick that is cool..Happy TT
I'll have to tell my daughters about storing nail polish in the frig. :)
We have a lot of the same things..just wish I had some chocolate in the fridge so it would melt..well..it wouldn't be in the fridge for long!!
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