This list is a huge compilation from various sources… from friends, my magazines, from the Internet, from notes.
If any of these ideas inspire you to create a layout or a card - or an entire album - please do share with us and let us enjoy your creation.
General Journaling Prompts
• What books and magazines are you reading right now?
• What’s the last TV show you watched and why?
• If you could have a free plane ticket to go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
• What’s one important value in your life at this moment?
• Who was your second grade teacher and what did she/he teach you?
• Name a character in a movie, TV show or book that you admire.
• List five things about yourself that most people don’t know
• What’s your favorite color and what does it say about you?
• How do the people in your life show you they love you?
• Have you ever wanted to change your name? If so, to what and why?
• What do you think about technology like cells phones and the Internet?
• What was the last conversation you had?
• List three dreams for your future.
• Describe your best and worst personality traits.
• How did you meet your best friend or significant other?
• What do you do for fun?
• What’s the best gift you’ve ever given?
• How did you spend your last $10.00?
• What’s your dream car?
• Have you ever had a dream come true and then wished it hadn’t?
• What’s the last song you listened to and why?
• How old were you when you got your drier’s license?
• How has your personality changed in the last 10 years?
• How many times have you moved in your life?
• Do you like to cook?
• Where do you shop?
• Do you ever feel bored and why?
• What’s your housework strategy?
• Have you ever owned a pet?
• What’s the last website you visited and why?
• How many times a day do you smile?
• Who are the most influential people in your life right now?
• If you could change anything about your life today, what would it be?
• Describe how your daily routine has changed from the time you were a teenager to your life as it is today?
• What’s your favorite sport to participate in or watch?
• Do you have a tattoo? Would you ever get one?
• What was on your last grocery list?
• Describe the contents of your purse at this moment.
• What’s your favorite scrapbook supply?
• What’s something you’ve always wanted to try on a scrapbook page but never have?
• Describe something unexpected that made you happy, worried or sad.
• How did you start scrapbooking?
• If you could be on one makeover show, which would you choose and why?
• Do you watch the network news? Why or why not?
• What newspaper headlines disturb you the most today?
• What’s the coolest thing you’ve ever done?
• What’s something your parents taught you that you’ve never forgotten?
• If you could write your own fortune cookie fortune, what would it say?
• What song lyrics best describe your life at this very moment?
• What’s in your fridge right now?
• Describe an “average week” in your life.
• Who is someone in your life you would like to make a scrapbook page about?
• What – or who - inspires your creativity?
• Do you or your children have special attachments to a particular stuffed animal?
• Which teachers have influenced you most in your life?
• Describe your relationship with yourself.
• How do you feel about your office space or work area?
• What room in your home are you “closest” to and why?
• Have you developed important relationships through your spiritual beliefs?
• How do you generally act around strangers? Has your life been blessed by their kind actions over the years?
• Are you a major fan of a particular sports team? How do you show your support and enthusiasm for the players?
• Are you engrossed in a book series? How do you feel as you wait for the next volume to be published?
• When you feel stressed or saddened, do you play a particular type of music to help calm you down? Why do you think listening to that particular type of music affects you?
• Think about the contents of your purse. Are you attached to a particular brand of gum or do you always carry your cell phone? How have these items become something you “can’t live without?”
• Do you surround yourself in the splendor of nature when you need a moment to yourself? When did that relationship start? Or, is there another place where you always go when you need to regroup? Why is that spot meaningful?
• Describe your beloved pastimes (scrapbooking, cooking, reading, knitting, etc.).
• Write about a season, month, or holiday you look forward to all year.
• Describe the most-welcomed time of day or day of the week.
• Describe an accessory you wear every day.
• Describe your neighborhood, city or country.
• Make a list of the objects you can’t help but stockpile.
• Describe an item you cannot leave home without.
• Make a list of the foods &/or treats you can’t resist.
• Make a list of the movies you watch repeatedly.
• List the lyrics of a song you can’t stop singing.
• Describe a sight that always touches your soul.
• Describe a personal trait that makes you proud.
• Describe your career choice or path in life.
• Describe your most guilty indulgence.
• Make a list of oft-uttered expressions.
• Describe a way you love to relax.
• Describe a trinket you cherish.
Valentine Journaling Prompts
• I knew you were the one for me when…
• When I am with you, I love the way you make me feel…
• You have helped me to become a better person because…
• When we are apart, the things I miss most about you are…
• I never dreamed I would fall in love with someone who…
• My favorite moments with you are when…
• You complement me in so many ways…
• The top 10 reasons I love you are…
• I admire most in you the ability to…
• My first impression of you was…
• I am grateful for the way you…
• I will never forget the time you…
• I love to hear you say…
• I love to tell you…
Belief Journaling Prompts
• What qualities or characteristics to you admire in others? In yourself?
• What are your personal convictions? Do they provide a glimpse into your personality or soul?
• Do you have a personal mission statement? What is it?
• How did your parents live out their beliefs when you were growing up? Do you still follow those same beliefs or have they changed over time?
• Is there a belief you stand by, despite the fact that it flies in the face of reason?
• How do your beliefs affect your perceptions of people or places?
• Has there ever been a time when your beliefs were questioned?
• Are your values and beliefs based on your heritage or ancestry?
• How do you illustrate your religious faith?
• What drives you to create?
Easy Valentine Sugar Cookies
1 week ago
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