
Amber Alert

Parental Rights Case

Supreme Court to Hear Oral Argument in Parental Rights Case

The U. S. Supreme Court agreed to resolve the question of whether non-lawyer parents may represent their children in federal court. Oral argument is scheduled for February 27, 2007.

This case generated intense interest after the Cleveland Bar Association launched an investigation of these and other parents for the Unauthorized Practice of Law after the U. S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit issued an adverse decision in their case.

We built the Winkelman v. Parma page at that includes:
* Question presented
* Background information about Jacob Winkelman and his case
* Links to pleadings
* Links to amicus briefs including the Brief of the United States as Amicus Curiae
* Links to cases about non-lawyer parental representation
* Articles about the case, including the Cleveland Bar Association investigation

Jacob Winkelman v. Parma City Schools:

Special Education Caselaw:

Can You Represent Your Child's Rights Under IDEA? by Pete Wright and Pam Wright at

Autism, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD), Asperger Syndrome (AS) at

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