A is for age.
39. This year I hit the big 4-0!
B is for beer of choice.
I rarely drink alcohol and when I do its mixed drinks. My favorite is strawberry daiquiri.
C is for career.
I am and Educational Advocate, sales representative for Memory Works, designer & sales manager for DawnLyn's Designs (scrapbooking). In addition to owning the company DawnLyn's Designs, I own the business Litz' Business Services (accounting, tax services, resume writing, business card printing, advocacy, etc.).
D is for your dog's name.
Champ, who is a 7-pd. Chihuahua.
E is for essential item you use everyday.
Lipstick and lotion. Hair brush. Telephone, internet. And so much more.
F is for favorite TV show at the moment.
Grey's Anatomy would be the most favored show at this time.
G is for favorite game.
Any board game where my children will include me.
H is for Home town.
I was born in Altoona, PA. I am currently living in Butler, PA.
I is for instruments you play.
None. I have always dreamed of playing the guitar. When I was a young child, I did play the piano and harpsichord.
J is for favorite juice.
Apple juice.
K is for whose butt you'd like to kick.
John, my brother, for making the whole family feel bad. Long story that I will not go into here.
L is for last place you ate.
My last meal was right here at home in front of the computer.
M is for marriage.
No, I am not married. The hope is not even there anymore that I will get married again.
N is for your nickname.
O is for overnight hospital stays.
Birth of children, hysterectomy. Lots of one-day surgeries and procedures.
P is for people you were with today.
My children. Art stopped by today.
Q is for quote.
"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." ~~ Albert Einstein ~~
R is for biggest regret.
Hurting my ex-husband. Making my children feel bad when bad things happen.
S is for status.
Single and looking. Lol. Pretty happy, most of the time.
T is for time you woke up today.
I woke up several times this morning. I got up at 7:30 AM.
U is for underwear you have on now.
Big granny underwear, very comfortable. Lol.
V is for vegetable you love.
Corn, green beans. Potatoes are the best!
W is for worst habit.
Sucking my thumb when I'm upset or extremely tired. Yelling at my children when they don't listen.
X is for x-rays you've had.
Goodness, I don't remember how many I've had over the years. My last set of x-rays were taken in November 2006. I had over a dozen x-rays taken of my back and neck.
Y is for yummy food you ate today.
Macaroni and cheese leftovers for lunch. I haven't had dinner yet today.
Z is for zodiac sign.
Leo. Hear me roar!
Easy Valentine Sugar Cookies
1 week ago
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